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Applying Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to simulate growth and bio-energetics of blue mussels under low seston conditions ArchiMer
Rosland, R; Strand, O; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Bacher, Cedric; Strohmeier, T.
A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for simulation of growth and bioenergetics of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) has been tested in three low seston sites in southern Norway. The observations comprise four datasets from laboratory experiments (physiological and biometrical mussel data) and three datasets from in situ growth experiments (biometrical mussel data). Additional in situ data from commercial farms in southern Norway were used for estimation of biometricalrelationships in the mussels. Three DEB parameters (shape coefficient, half saturation coefficient, and somatic maintenance rate coefficient) were estimated from experimental data, and the estimated parameters were complemented with parameter values from literature to establish a basic parameter...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Low seston; Modelling; DEB theory; Mytilus edulis; Mussel culture.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Capacité des moules dans la réduction des teneurs en nutriments et la charge bactérienne dans les effluents piscicoles OceanDocs
Chebil Ajjabi, L.; Romdhane, M.S.; El Abed, A..
L’effluent des élevages de poissons renferme des concentrations plus élevées en nutriments dissous et en particules en suspension que celles présentes dans l’eau entrante. Cet état entraine par conséquent, des problèmes d’ordre environnementaux affectant les eaux côtières dues à l’eutrophisation et l’augmentation de la turbidité. Afin d’améliorer la qualité de l’effluent avant son déversement dans le milieu naturel, l’utilisation des bivalves comme filtre biologique est une alternative adéquate. Cette étude analyse la capacité de la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis de réduire les teneurs en sels nutritifs et la charge bactérienne dans les effluents de loups Dicentrarchus labrax en élevage. L’effluent issu des bassins de grossissement est pompé directement...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Aquaculture effluents; Bacteria; Biofilters; Chlorophylls; Chlorophylls; Culture effects; Density; Effluents; Filtration; Fish; Mussel culture; Nitrogen; Nutrients (mineral); Phosphorus; Suspended particulate matter; Wastewater recycling; Wastewater treatment; Water quality; Fish; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Water quality; Mussels; Nutrients; Bacteria; Chlorophylls; Density; Effluents; Filtration; Wastewater treatment.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Caractérisation et déterminisme du développement d'une population de l'annélide tubicole Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766) (Polychète Terebellidae) associé à la conchyliculture en Baie des Veys (Baie de Seine Occidentale) ArchiMer
Ropert, Michel.
Since the mid 80's, a tidal population of the polychaete Lanice conchilega has proliferated along the eastern part of the "Baie des Veys" (Western part of the Bay of Seine). Population density 7 000 individuals per square meter. This proliferation affected significantly the local oyster farming industry, by resulting increased sedimentation rates. This work try to improved understanding the phenomenon by analyzing at various temporal and spatial scales the ecosystem and its relationship with the Lanice conchilega population dynamics. Several field works were carried out (i.e. bottom type mapping, topography, hydrology) to analyse the occurrence and development of this population taking into account the overall changes of the "Baie des Veys" ecosystem....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Veys Bay; Seine Bay; Crassostrea gigas; Lanice conchilega; Mussel culture; Baie de Seine; Baie des Veys; Crassostrea gigas; Lanice conchilega; Conchyliculture.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Climate Change Influences Carrying Capacity in a Coastal Embayment Dedicated to Shellfish Aquaculture ArchiMer
Guyondet, T.; Comeau, L. A.; Bacher, Cedric; Grant, J.; Rosland, R.; Sonier, R.; Filgueira, R..
A spatially explicit coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model was developed to study a coastal ecosystem under the combined effects of mussel aquaculture, nutrient loading and climate change. The model was applied to St Peter's Bay (SPB), Prince Edward Island, Eastern Canada. Approximately 40 % of the SPB area is dedicated to mussel (Mytilus edulis) longline culture. Results indicate that the two main food sources for mussels, phytoplankton and organic detritus, are most depleted in the central part of the embayment. Results also suggest that the system is near its ultimate capacity, a state where the energy cycle is restricted to nitrogen-phytoplankton-detritus-mussels with few resources left to be transferred to higher trophic levels. Annually, mussel...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Nutrient loading; Mussel culture; Carrying capacity; Coastal ecosystem; Numerical modelling.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Composition and seasonal variation of brachyura and anomura (Crustacea, Decapoda) associated with brown mussel farms at Praia da Cocanha, Brazil BABT
Bernadochi,Ligia Coletti; Silvestri,Fausto; Turra,Alexander.
The composition and seasonal variation of brachyuran and anomuran species associated with mussel farms were evaluated at Praia da Cocanha, São Paulo between May 2007 and February 2008. Nine mussel ropes were sampled at random in each quarter, and 1,208 organisms were identified, comprising five families and 28 species. The most numerous species was the porcellanid Pachycheles laevidactylus (18.5%), followed by the xanthids Acantholobulus schmitti (16.6%), Hexapanopeus paulensis (11.3%), Panopeus americanus (10.2%), and Menippe nodifrons (8.4%). The exotic crab Charybdis hellerii was recorded throughout the study period. The ecological descriptors, except Pielou evenness index, varied significantly over the time. The highest abundance and diversity of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Associated fauna; Mussel culture; Perna perna; Crustaceans; Community ecology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cultivos de moluscos bivalvos OceanDocs
Pascual, M.S.; Zampatti, E.A..
Bivalve culture in Argentina is beginning to develop commercially. Research was carried out at the North Patagonian gulfs (San Matias, San Jose and Nuevo)and focused three native species: the tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus, the puelche oyster Ostrea puelchana and the common mussel Mytilus edulis platensis. Results achieved on each of these three species were different. In the case of scallops, the development of commercial aquaculture did not seem promising for many years due to the fact that production was sustained by natural populations: the dredge fishery of the San Matias Gulf and the diving fishery of the San Jose Gulf. Preliminary culture experiments dealt with larval fixation on artificial collectors and growth to commercial size on...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Aquaculture economics; Aquaculture development; Aquaculture systems; Hatcheries; Seed collection; Clam culture; Oyster culture; Scallop culture; Mussel culture; Hatcheries; Seed collection; Oyster culture; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Depuration of copper nitrate and chloride in the Indian brown mussel Perna indica ArchiMer
Kondajii, N; Menon, N.
It is understood that the rate of bioaccumulation and subsequent depuration of heavy metals in marine animals is influenced by the chemical state, as well as the kinetics of transformation between different species of chemical salts dissolved in water. The Indian Brown mussel, Perna indica, was exposed to copper nitrate and chloride, individually, to analyse the rate of accumulation, depuration, oxygen uptake and filtration rates. When supplied in very low quantities, environmentally realistic concentrations, the rate of accumulation of copper nitrate and chlorides showed variations. When the animals were transferred to sea water, these two salts did not show any clear cut differences in the depuration rate. Irrespective of the previous accumulation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Perna indica; Bivalvia; Chlorides; Copper; Mussel culture; Heavy metals; Marine pollution; Accumulation; Self purification.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Dinoflagelles toxiques sur les cotes francaises pendant l'ete 1983. Manifestations de Dinophysis acuminata sur le littoral normand. ArchiMer
Paulmier, Gerard; Joly, Jean-pierre.
Numerous cases of food poisoning were observed in South Normandy during the summer 1983 and attributed to shellfish consumption. At the same time a dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata was found in the Bay of Seine and in north Normandy where high concentrations induced "red waters". The observation of the stomach contents of the mussels showed that this Dinophysis was one of the main constituents of the alimentary bolus. The toxicity of type DSP, determined by the mouse-test, is more or less correlated with the abundance coefficient of D. acuminata . Its space distribution also seems connected to the tidal movements.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Normandy; France; ANE; Dinophysis acuminata; Food poisoning; Stomach content; Mussel culture; Red tides; Biological poisons.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Dinoflagelles toxiques sur les cotes francaises pendant l'ete 1983.Validite du test-souris pour le controle routinier de secteurs mytilicoles contamines par la toxine du Dinophysis. ArchiMer
Marcaillou-le Baut, Claire; Le Dean, Loic; Truquet, Philippe.
Following exceptional outbreak of toxic dinoflagellate species in Vilaine Bay (summer 1983) a survey was carried out: variations in phytoplankton abundance and distribution in water and in mussel guts were followed. In the same time toxicity studies using mouse-test were performed with contaminated shellfishes, and mouse-test calibration was attempted. In spite of sampling and analysis conditions could be open to criticism, results obviously showed relation between shellfishes toxicity and occurrence of responsible species: Dinophysis acuminata.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brittany; France; ANE; Dinophysis acuminata; Red tides; Toxicity tests; Food poisoning; Biological poisons; Mussel culture.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Efectos del desdoble sobre la biomasa cosechable de Mytilus platensis D'Orb en cultivo. OceanDocs
Zaixso, H.E.; Lizarralde, Z.I..
The effect of thinning on the harvestable biomass of mussel Mytilus platensis (d'Orb.) cultures was analyzed. Mussels were grown on ropes in sub-surface long-lines in Golfo Nuevo (Chubut, Argentina, 64° 59' W; 42°46' S) during a 15 month period (January 1987-April 1988). Ropes were seeded using the Spanish method with 2,000 individuals per rope meter. The thinning-out was performed three months later using the following thinning ratios (TR: number of half-grown ropes obtained from one seed rope):1,6 (900 individuals m super(-1)), 2,4 (600 individuals m super(-1)) and 3,2 (450 individuals m super(-1)). Growth rate (shell length and meat weight), survival and number of harvestable ropes increase with the thinning rate; the harvestable biomass being larger at...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mussel culture; Growth; Survival; Growth; Survival; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Évaluation des conséquences économiques de la gestion des risques sanitaires liés aux proliférations phytoplanctoniques marines ArchiMer
Ami, Dominique; Rochaix, Lise.
General introduction: The setting up of monitoring networks for coastal water quality of the REPHY type by IFREMER was taken from a public health standpoint and fits broadly in with a principle of precaution regarding eating shellfish meant for human consumption. The benefits to be compared with the costs of managing the REPHY network (estimated at FF7.4 million in 1995) are therefore first and foremost the reduction of the risk of poisoning and can be captured by subtracting the sanitation costs that are associated with them. Evaluating these direct benefits is, however, no easy task. The network leads in fact to the reduction of occurrences of poisoning such that the epidemiological data on which such a calculation should be founded diminishes over time....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Algal bloom; Phytoplankton bloom; Mussel culture; Coastal water; Pollution monitoring; Economic impact; Phytoplancton; Conchyliculture; Eau cotiere; Surveillance pollution; Economie.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Evaluation économique des dommages liés à la contamination microbiologique des eaux côtières Le cas de la conchyliculture ArchiMer
Roncin, Nicolas; Kervarec, Fabienne; Boncoeur, Fabienne.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mussel culture; Monitoring; Contamination; Economic impact; Coastal water; Marine pollution; Shellfish culture; SEM; Conchyliculture; Developpement economique; Surveillance; Controle microbiologique; Contamination.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en mejillón verde (Perna viridis) de la Bahía de Cienfuegos OceanDocs
Vega Bolaños, L.; Castelo Baez, R.; Arias Verdes, J. A.; Sersa Espinosa, R..
Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) son contaminantes alimentarios y su toxicidad se debe a que algunos de ellos son conocidos cancerígenos humanos, clasificados en el grupo dos de la Agencia Internacional de Investigación sobre el Cáncer (IARC). La determinación de los niveles de estas sustancias en los alimentos, especialmente en productos de la pesca, se ha incrementado en los últimos años por diversas causas. El objetivo de este estudio fue la determinación de los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en mejillones (Perna viridis) de la Bahía de Cienfuegos, 50 especímenes de mejillón con dimensiones entre 80-100 mm de largo antero-posterior de concha, se homogeneizaron y se tomó una muestra de 5 g de peso fresco, se trataron con...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mussel culture; Oil potential; Aromatic hydrocarbons.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impacts des informations produites par l'IFREMER sur la qualité des eaux littorales dans la production et la commercialisation des coquillages ArchiMer
Dubuisson-quellier, Sophie.
La connaissance aussi bien que la gestion des écosystèmes marins suppose de disposer d'un réferentiel d'indicateurs et de mesures capable d'informer sur l'état du milieu. Le zonage, c'est-à-dire le découpage en zones géographiques, participe de la construction de ce réferentiel, notamment lorsqu'il permet ensuite la mise en place de réseaux de mesure pour la surveillance de la qualité du milieu littoral, dans un souci d'observation pour la gestion opérationnelle de ce milieu (politiques d'occupation des espaces, usages différents des espaces côtiers). Le principe du zonage est ancien (Morel, 1996) et peut varier en complexité selon qu'une seule variable descriptive est utilisée, comme dans le cas du zonage thématique basé sur la géographie physique et...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster; Ostreiculture; Mussel culture; Marennes Oleron Bay; Crassostrea Gigas; Water quality; Aquaculture; Economic impact; Coastal water; Marine pollution; Shellfish culture; SEM; Marennes Oleron bassin; Crassostrea gigas; Economie; Qualite eau; Controle sanitaire; Conchyliculture; Ostreiculture; Developpement aquaculture.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Implanted byssal hairs on postlarval shells of Mytilus edulis platensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from Patagonia Rev. Bras. Zool.
Isola,Tomás E.; Varisco,Martín A.; Cazzaniga,Néstor J..
ABSTRACT This communication describes the first records of byssal hairs on the postlarvae shells of Mytilus edulis platensis d’Orbigny, 1842. The postlarvae used in this study were sampled on artificial collectors used for mussel culture in San Jorge Gulf, Sudoccidental Atlantic Ocean. A general description of the hairs is made as well as an exploratory analysis of their spatial distribution on the shell surface. The presence of these byssal hairs is suggested as a criterion to differentiate M. edulis platensis from other mytilids.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Byssus threads; Mussel postlarvae; Spat settlement; Mussel culture.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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La mytiliculture dans le "Pertuis Breton": synthèse des travaux réalises de 1980 a 1992 ArchiMer
Dardignac, Marie-jose.
The studies carried out between 1980 and 1992 in the "Pertuis Breton" showed that mussels growth was systematically reduced near the coastline for an identical immersion time. No relationship was established between current pattern, stocking biomass and growth results. In contrast, poor growth was strongly correlated to seawater quality and especially to high seston load. The author suggests further studies which could confirm and complement these results: a better environment understanding through data acquisition, inclusion of additional parameters, studies on factors affecting shellfish quality. Furthermore, specific studies are proposed which are aimed at optimising mussel production in the Pertuis Breton. This includes a constant spat recruitment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Recruitment; Spat; Mussel culture; Growth; Bouchot; Mytilus edulis; Pertuis Breton; Moule; Growth; Bouchot; Mytilus edulis; Pertuis Breton.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Les filières pour l'élevage des moules ArchiMer
Bompais, Xavier.
This handbook has been written for those who want to use long-lines for mussel culture. It describes different types of mussel long-lines, moorings and components: specifications, advantages, disadvantages. It brings up some methods for lay down mooring and also operating mussel long-lines
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Mooring lines; Off bottom culture; Mooring systems; Aquaculture techniques; Breeding; Mussel culture.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Phytoplancton des zones myticoles de la baie de Vilaine et intoxication par les coquillages. ArchiMer
Andresen Leitao, Maria Da Paz; Lassus, Patrick; Maggi, Pierre; Le Baut, Claire; Chauvin, Jacky; Truouet, Philippe.
Following 1978 and 1981 human poisoning by mussels in Vilaine Bay (France) a survey of potentially toxic dinoflagellates was conducted in that area in 1982. At the same time paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) analyses were made, the authors studied the dinoflagellates encountered in the intestinal guts of mussels from January to August 1982. Results failed to demonstrate an occurrence of PSP producing species, either by toxicological analysis or dinoflagellate persistency in the mussel guts.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytilus edulis; Bivalvia; Marine mollusks; Stomach content; Toxicity; Phytoplankton; Biological poisons; Mussel culture.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Rapport d'activités 2003 de la station Ifremer de la Tremblade ArchiMer
Shellfish research laboratory in Pertuis Charentais (France) present the main results concerning its activity during the year 2003. Water quality monitoring, growth, mortality and condition indices are performed on oysters ansd mussels all along the year. Shellfich stock assessment and its spatial distribution, summer mortalities events are the main research topics developped
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock; Mortality; Growth; Hydrology; Mussel culture; Stock; Mortalité; Croissance Organisme; Hydrologie; Conchyliculture.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Recherche sur Marteilia maurini n. sp. parasite de la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. ArchiMer
Comps, Michel; Pichot, Yves; Papagianni, Panagiota.
Histological control practiced in 1981 revealed that the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is infected by a new parasite Marteilia maurini sp. n. The structure and the cycle of development are described. The particularities of this parasite in the genus Marteilia are given and discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marteilia maurini; Mytilus galloprovincialis; New species; Taxonomy; Mussel culture; Histopathology; Histology.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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